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  • #1046280

    Hi all,

    I updated to WP 5.0. Afterwards I discovered I was still using Enfold 4.2.6 and tried updating to 4.5.1. The update was offered to me via the dashboard and installed fine.
    Now I am reading on this forum I had to update manually.
    Everything seems to work fine but I do not have the Gutenberg editor. When I am editing a page I have the Advanced Layout Builder (which is the same as Avia which I am used to) and can switch to the Default Editor which is basically one big field full of code.

    Did I perform the update correctly or do I need to retrace my steps and/or fix anything?



    Hey Tim,

    If you don’t see any issues on your site, it means you don’t need to fix anything. The update most likely isn’t affecting the frontend, however for the backend for example for text block/editor, most if not all have issues with it.
    Wordpress recommends to disable the gutenberg editor and bring back the classic editor which is used in the previous version, you’ll just have to install and activate in which most cases have fixed some backend issues other enfold users have experienced.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for your reply. I have installed the Classic Editor.


    Hi Tim,

    Glad that you’ve installed and activated it.
    Let us know if it helped or if you still have issues with your site.

    Best regards,

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