I know I figured this out since it is on https://gatehealing.com . You can see that my name and company are on 2 lines to the right of the logo as subtext. What I am struggling with is how did I get that there in the first place? I see the custom CSS for tweaks, but I cannot find where I entered my name and company!
I almost feel silly asking, but are y’all able to tell me where I did this? It (the actual name and company text) must not be in the custom CSS (but the tweaks are). I know it is called ‘subtext’ and that I have it tagged with <h2> tags, I just cannot find where to edit the information. Would it be in a child theme file somewhere (ie going into the Editor and manually entering it), and if so, if you can tell me which file to look at, I’ll find the actual input.
Thanks a bunch. . . I am building another site with Enfold and need to recreate that look.
Hey gatehealing,
Did you check the functions.php file? Also, header.php is another possibility.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
AH! I’ll check now!
It is there. Now I need to create a child theme for the new site. Do y’all have documentation that will walk me through how to do that? If so, a link there would be great.. . I’ll go check documentation page now as well.
Found and installed child theme. Starting a new thread with an issue about the Enfold Options screen not showing a field.
Okay, shall we close this specific thread?
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon