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  • #1238169

    Hi there,

    The link on the homepage under “Subscribe to our Newsletter” is not an automatic registration for mailchimp, but goes via a contact form. Now it looks like you are automatically signing up to mailchimp because this is the text of the header.

    Is this correct or do I need to do something special?
    I have already used the newsletter widget and created a separate “newsletter” page.

    So in concrete terms, what is the function of the registration on the homepage?

    Regards Tom


    Hello, did you get my message?
    Hope to hear soon.
    Regards Tom


    Hi Tom,

    Sorry for the late reply!

    I see that you have already inserted Mailchimp API key in Enfold theme options however you have Contact Form element on your page. Please simply replace Contact Form element with Mailchimp Signup element :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your response.

    On the demo site Enfoldgym ( it appears that you have also placed a contact form below and not a mailchimp form. That was the confusion for me.

    In addition, mailchimp puts the fields one below the other and not next to each other, which is much nicer. Can that still be adjusted, or can it only be done in the mailchimp environment

    And what about privacy, that you give permission.

    See also (generated from mailchimp)

    Is this also possible in the enfold environment, so with the addition that you agree (Marketing permission)

    Regards Tom

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by tomcusters.

    Please can you let me know something?
    Regards Tom



    The checkbox or privacy option is not supported by the element yet — only text and dropdowns. You should see this note in the Mainchimp Signup element editor.

    Please note: This element currently only supports basic list subscription with basic form fields (text and dropdowns). Please let us know if you would like to see more advanced features.

    Best regards,

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