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  • #756918

    I have a problem with multiple languages and the subnavigation in the sidebar. I have WPML installed and 2 languages.
    This is the url:

    Please do the following and check:
    – go to (you are now on the DUTCH site)
    – click in the menu on the item ZAKELIJK
    – then click on the English language flag
    – then click in the sidebar on AGREEMENT TRANSLATION
    – you will see it directs you to a wrong language (this is now Dutch page again)

    I tried everythinng in WPML and changes permalinks but i dont know what is causing this issue.
    Any help is appreciated.


    Hey Filosophie,

    Sorry for the late reply. Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.2) to see if that helps please? Also, did you open a ticket with WPML as well?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard

    I just updated the theme. This update did not help with the WPML issue. I will post it at support of WPML as well.
    But now the theme update created a new issue: the buttons on my Layerslider layers moved up. Please check as example
    As you can see the buttons are moved up. In the backend at LayerSlider it looks fine. Only on the frontend it is wrong now. How can I fix this issue?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Filosophie.


    I think the first step would be to update your PHP version on your server. Talk to your host about that. New LayerSlider version requires “DOMDocument PHP extension”.

    Best regards,

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