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  • #560764

    Hello, two questions related:

    I’d like to get the avia submenu to stick at 50px from the top (I need this as I’m using a sticky menu ate top of the window, Stripe Menu on CodeCanyon). I tried all sort of things but could not figure it out..
    something like:
    #av-custom-submenu-1 .av-subnav-menu .av-submenu-pos-center {
    You can see a page where i need to doi this:
    But I’d like a css code that works on all secondary menus.. as I’ll use some on other pages)

    I’d like to completely unregister the theme’s top area that holds the Enfold Menu as I’m nit using it at all. If you could give me some php to put in my functions.php to do this it would be great..

    T H X !!!


    Hey ianstudio!

    A. May we have a link to your website with your current sub menu set up so we can provide you with the appropriate css?

    B. You can disable the header on a per page basis on your page/post edit screen as shown below:

    View post on

    Or you can use the below css to remove the header globally:

    #main {
    padding-top: 0 !important;
    #header {
    display: none !important;

    Best regards,



    I gave you the link already in my original question above ?!!

    I will need code for ALL submenus site wide but I guess it will just be a matter or targeting them by ID..

    I wanted to unregister it not just a simplet display: none (I had done that already !!!).
    .. doesn’t just using css to hide it still load it and thus add resources to be processed for each page.
    If I could not register it through php it would be cleaner to me.. I will NEVER use the built-in Avia menu system..

    T H X



    If you are trying to unregister enfold menu completely because it is extra code I suggest to not do it as the menu functions are tightly integrated into the avia frame work and can break a few things but if you do not use it and leave it as it is it wont affect the site performance. Even if you unregister the menu now and later update enfold the files get replaced so it’s better to just leave it as it is and use the new menu plugin you have without any issue.

    To hide enfold menu you can do it using css instead please add the below code in quick CSS

    .main_menu #megaMenu{
        display:block !important;
        display:none !important;

    I am not getting clarity on the which menu you want to move 50px from the top as i see in the link you provided everything looks good. can you please help us with a mockup or a screenshot and let us know the content name to reference it easily.

    Best regards,


    What I want is that when the page is scrolled the Avia Submenu that currently has three items in it:
    Menu Item 2
    Troisième année

    remains visibly fixed under the yellow Stripe menu (
    What is happening now is that the Avia submenu scrolls all the way to the top of the window and is thus hidden behind the Stripe menu.

    Makes sense ?

    PS: As for unregistering the main header.. could you still please me code so I can try.. I would put it in my child’s functions.php (as per proper WP guidelines) so even when the theme is updated.. no problem ;0)



    can’t find any submenus on your website. Where are they? can you highlight using screenshots please? use a service like or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    I changed it all around and moved the Stripe menu to the bottom, so don’t worry any more they now stick to the top and are not hidden by anything as for you not seeing any ?!? Hello ?!! There is one on the landing page already…



    so it is solved for you already? Let us know in a new ticket if you need some more help with the theme.

    Best regards,

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