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  • #871430


    I managed to get a different color on my Menu Items with this code:

    .avia-menu .menu-item:nth-child(1) > a{
    	background: #0b62ab!important;
    .avia-menu .menu-item:nth-child(1) > a:hover {
    	background: #0b62ab!important;
    #mobile-advanced li:nth-child(1) > a {
    	background: #0b62ab!important;
    #mobile-advanced li:nth-child(1) > a:hover {
    	background: #0b62ab!important;

    where i changed the number child(1) to 1,2,3,4

    unfortunately the background of the sub menu changed also to different colours.

    I like to have the font color of these specific sub menues in the 4 different colours above (child(1) etc)
    The backgound should be white.
    Also the underlines of the main menu buttons should have the same colour as the buttons (not blue as they are now).

    How to do that?
    Thank you for Feedback

    Menu Screenshot

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Bikul.

    Hey Bernd,

    can we see your web site URL?
    A quick way for a fix for me in my mind, is to add a class to the top menu items, so you can target them on the specific class and avoid the generic styling!

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    thank you for feedback!
    But in the meantime I already found out myself, but could not delete this post.

    Best regards



    Great, glad you found a solution and thanks for letting us know. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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