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  • #616436


    On our site ( ) we have several pages that are built in the advanced layout editor as such:

    2/3 and 1/3 columns.

    In the 2/3 column we have most of our content. The issue we’re having, is with the element “Blog Posts” which is to be put in the 1/3 column (as sort of a sidebar on the pages). However, when we insert the blog post and fit it as we would like, we run into the following 2 problems, which are also our questions (also see the attached image, which shows the 2 things we need help with)

    1) Our “Blog Posts” element shows 3 posts and also shows the Author and Big Preview Picture. The problem is the spacing between one blog post and then the following (the padding below each news seems to be quite large, and I cannot change it) – see attached image regarding the spacing between blog posts

    2) As also seen on the attached image, the blog posts are shown with a heading – which (when you inspect it) shows that it is from a “H2 class”. That is a problem, because we have to be in control of which headlines goes where. So the question here is: How can we change the H2’s from the shown blog posts in the element “Blog Posts” to be another headline? We would like to change them to H4 or H5 – or if possible – be able to make it plain (bold, italic etc.) text. Is this possible?

    – we’re using the same sidebar on most pages and review sites. So just wanted to mention that, because a global CSS should work for all the pages which uses the sidebar.

    Thank you for your help!


    Hey Xperten!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    We checked the link above but we didn’t find any blog posts element inside a 1/3 column. Did you remove it? Please create a test page so that we can inspect the issue. Add this in the functions.php file to change the heading tag:

    function avia_default_title_filter($current_post)
    			$heading = is_singular() ? "h1" : "h2";
    			$output  = "";
    			//$output .= "<{$heading} class='post-title entry-title ". avia_offset_class('meta', false). "'>";
    			$output .= "<{$heading} class='post-title entry-title' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_title','echo'=>false)).">";
    			$output .= "	<a href='".get_permalink()."' rel='bookmark' title='". __('Permanent Link:','avia_framework')." ".$current_post['title']."'>".$current_post['title'];
    			$output .= "			<span class='post-format-icon minor-meta'></span>";
    			$output .= "	</a>";
    			$output .= "</{$heading}>";
    			$current_post['title'] = $output;
    		return $current_post;

    Set the value of the following variable to something else:

    $heading = is_singular() ? "h1" : "h2";



    Hi again,

    Sorry – it seems that we might have accidentily deleted the blog posts element from the page. Here is an updated page to look at:

    On that page, simply scroll down below the big table, and there you will find that the page has been split into one 2/3 column and 1/3 column (to the right). The 1/3 column to the right has the blog posts element inside it – and the previously attached image that shows the questions still apply (fixing the spacing etc.)

    Can you provide some CSS for that page, for the blog posts element which is found inside the 1/3 column (to the right)?

    Sorry for the confusion :-)


    Bump – still looking for CSS to style the “blog posts” element which we use in our custom sidebars on the site (the 1/3 column to the right) – example page is still the same (have checked that the blog posts are now active) :-)



    Add this in the Quick CSS field to decrease the space between the posts:

    .post {
        margin-top: -20px;


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