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  • #301008

    Hi, we still have an issue with firefox

    Could someone please have a look at this, if you view in chrome of opera you will see the correct positioning but in firefox the page goes completely wild.

    This Job needs to go out today, so any help to resolve this issue will be greatly appreciated!


    Sorry we aslo have the issue in IE9 and 10



    I have checked your page on Firefox 31 and it looks identical to Chrome on my end – http://i.imgur.com/G0HRz2P.jpg
    Have you already figured it out?



    Hi Yigit, did you resize the browser?


    IT seems to have the same issues on IE, They all seem to be around the responsiveness of the site, if we disable “display:table” and “display:table-cell” then they become responsive again but then they position on top of the site and not in the middle of the page.


    is there any support for this? we obviously cant use a templete that does not work in IE or firefox


    Dear McEwans,

    For your information, our queue goes from oldest to the newest queries and i looked into your post because you said that this is urgent.
    Also, it is not fair to say that Enfold is not working in IE and Firefox, looking at the page you have heavily customised. Please have another look at Scope section here – https://kriesi.at/support/register/#av_section_2

    That being said, please try adding following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1340px) {
    .avia-mozilla div .av_one_third { margin-left: 6%; width: 20.333%; }}
    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) {
    .avia-mozilla div .av_one_third { margin-left: 6%; width: 14.333%; }}

    Have you checked your website on an actual mobile device using Firefox browser?



    Sorry about this, but we had the resizing issues even before we added the custom code block, the resizing was off just with the build in elements of the content slider and the partner logo element. So i’m not sure why these issues are arising. The code you have provided above has helped, but like i said the sizing issues where there even before we added our custom styles.

    I have tested it on mobile and it does not resize to mobile. The code you have provided sorts out the desktop issues but not the mobile phone issues.


    if it needs be i will recreate the page without any of our elements and just the build in elements to demonstrate that the issue persists even without any custom styles.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by McEwans.

    Ok we have now taken away all of our styling and custom code blocks. Now all all that is displaying is the default enfold template. And if you check now on firefox the problem is still there.

    I will leave our styling off the site now until we have sorted this issue out.

    If it is not a theme problem now then i must be totally mad from too much work :P

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    @-moz-document url-prefix() { 
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-section.av-minimum-height .container, 
    .avia-section.av-minimum-height .container .content {display: block !important;}

    Best regards,


    That does still not work. nothing is happening, im getting desperate now. I was the one that pushed for us to use enfold on this job and now im in trouble :(

    Im not sure what else to do because i have taken off everything we have done and still now the site does not work on IE or Firefox


    I now made a new page only with a content slider in a color section. The content slider will resize fine until i add the 100% height of browser window setting in the color section.

    The problem in firefox and IE is with the color section being set to 100% height.

    I do not know how to fix this, i think this is a bug in the theme.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by McEwans.

    Yes as soon as i take off “100%height of browser view” then the site is responsive again in IE and Firefox.

    Please provide a solution as this is a theme issue not a custom issue.

    I am really sorry for all the support needed here, i hope we have not made you guys too irritated.


    i have been working on another possible work around on the home page using the whitespace elements.

    So for this problem we are dealing with here pls use this link: http://dev.mcewan.co.za/home-2/



    Currently both new page and homepage look responsive on my end. Have you disabled 100% height option on them?


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