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  • #1051511

    I am using the enfold theme quite a while with a child theme and it works fine.
    Now I installed a new website, also using enfold with a child theme (Downloaded from Support Page here) but the style.css is not getting tied in.

    Copying the footer.php to the enfold-child adapts changes.

    I am using WordPress and Enfold latest version and copied new versions of the main enfold theme as well as of the enfold-child.
    -> no changes on the website

    Caches are disabled and cleared in the browser …

    Thank you for your help.

    Best regards,


    Ok, I found out what happens and I would hope you could fix it in a future version.

    If I change style.css it is not getting updated, even if I delete caches.
    When I make a change and save the Quick-CSS in the general Styling, the website gets the updated style.css.

    Thanx and best,


    Typically this occurs when the Enfold Theme Options > Performance > JS & CSS file merging and compression is enabled, for the merged files to be updated (rebuilt) the theme options needs to be saved, this is the big blue button “Save all changes”, which also happens to be the same button to save the Quick CSS.
    Glad that you have discovered this, but I wanted to explain why this is for you.
    Unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,

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