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  • #1346057

    Hi, I´v got a coloured line and some text I´d like to delete.
    Please have a look at the bottom of this page ;)

    Link in private box
    Alan ;)


    Hey Alan,

    Please try this in Quick CSS in order to remove the purple line:

    #footer {
        border-top: 0;

    I’m not sure which text you are looking to remove though?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard
    The purple line is still there.

    The text I´m referring to is this
    “ / Facebook / Instagram”
    Its placed a bit under the purple line

    Alan ;)


    first: you know best how you put in that additional container under wrap_all.
    Your additonal Container is not part of that #wrap_all (as the enfold #footer is) – and besides that i would not give it the same ID as the Enfold Footer !!! ID’s have to be unique.
    it is a top-border of 5px set on that section#footer:

    section#footer {
      border-top: none !important;

    or do you like to get rid of the whole new container – guess you did that insertion via functions.php – or do you have a child-theme footer.php ?


    This is a design that I have taken over from someone else, so I have no clue to where that additional container i located, or that it was created.
    I have no coding skills, I always work in the builder ;)

    I´d like to to get rid of all that is below the #footer, in a way so I just got what´s a part of the template, if possible ;)


    But you can have a look if there is a child-theme footer.php via ftp – and post the content from it here.
    Or you can post here the whole content of your child-theme functions.php ( please use on that the code tag here on the forum – that we can better inspect )

    If it is in footer.php there must be something like this under the wrap_all closing div arround line 304

    		echo "<!-- end wrap_all --></div>";
    // maybe that is the insertion:
    		echo '<section id="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"> / <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook </a> / <a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a></div></div></section>';


    PS : if i like to insert something on that position – i would have placed it inside wrap_all container and maybe used the hook: ava_after_footer_output
    because that will work with all footer settings – even with curtain effect – because it will be part of that.

    f.e.: something like this will be more elegant:

    function subsocket_color_set($color_sets){
      $color_sets['subsocket_color'] = 'Subsocket';
      return $color_sets;
    add_filter( 'avf_color_sets', 'subsocket_color_set', 999, 1 );
    add_action('ava_after_footer_output', function() {
      echo '<div id="subsocket" class="container_wrap subsocket_color"><div class="container">YOUR HTML CONTENT HERE</div></div>';

    Result: you will have that extra container : #subsocket and you can style it in enfold general styling by an extra styling set : Subsocket ;)



    Please use the CSS suggested by @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Rikard.

    no – Rikard that is an alternative to have that – but offtopic ( for others who like to have this )
    Alan wants to get rid of it – but better is to hamper the building of it than to only set it to display: none

    section#footer {
      display: none;

    Great, the last code has hidden the parts under the footer ;)
    Thanks for your time and help :)


    But they are in the DOM – only hidden. My solution to look how that container comes to your DOM is better. Just dare to try.

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