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  • #579662

    Hello, my website is acting odd,, I just installed your theme (clean installation) and for example I cannot remove theme by kriesi at the footer and i have put in my own copyright..

    so first question, how to remove your theme by text and link

    second. can I remove commenting all together:

    in homepage there is blog grid, how do I remove 0 comments.

    whats going on with this page? I cannot make the content go to container (where do you specify fullwidth content?

    is this site slow on your end? or is it just my browser/connection? it feels as its slowish and sometimes even if I save stuff in enfold CP it does not save/stick?

    – Noora


    Where you enter your own copyright, close with [nolink] then it won’t show the theme by Kriesi



    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .slide-meta-comments, .slide-meta-del {
        display: none!important;

    Please place your content below your slider into a 1/1 column element and see –

    Thanks :)





    one last question.
    is it possible to disable all commenting related stuff in blog page?


    well it was no last question… my content IS in new column under map…. but it still puts it widescreen.



    I edited your page and placed your content inside a color section element instead of 1/1 column element.

    Please edit your post and click “Screen options” on the top right corner and check “Discussion” and scroll below your post content and disable discussions

    Best regards,

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