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  • #1462471


    When I scroll up the website behaves strangely, it immediately goes to the next section. This bug seems to show up after the icons/flipbox section.

    Here you can see a video: https://we.tl/t-Dipipj250A

    Could you help me solve it?



    Hey colosimoemiliano27,
    Thank you for your patience and your video, it looks like when you scroll you are touching the flipbox elements causing them to flip, please see the screenshot in the Private Content area. As for the page scrolling suddenly down, I’m not sure what casued this, but I can’t reproduce this on a iPhone or Android.
    It kind of looks like a swipe gesture or a link click, but I didn’t find a link around there.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike. In reality the problem occurs even if I don’t touch the flipbox elements, watch this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rKJx0-6isI2XPGFledHKnbwcVR5JZNB-/view?usp=sharing

    The behavior is very strange because it only occurs on some devices (mainly Android with Chrome browser).

    I confirm, there are no links within the flipbox elements.

    For the moment I solved it by changing the elements from flipbox to tooltip.

    Let me know if you find the problem that triggers that abnormal behavior on the flipbox.



    Thanks for the videos, I have asked the rest of the team if that can reproduce and have a idea for a solution, Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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