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  • #1220264

    Hi Folks,

    as I said already in thread #1220212 there are strange things with that customer-site
    at the moment. Maybe it is a general enfold-tech-problem, who knows?

    In any case, the frontend currently does not react at all, or very strangely if you are
    logged into the backend. When you log out again, the frontend reacts normally,
    or is displayed normally again.

    If you are logged in, the slider is not displayed on the front end, nor is the cookie banner.
    And the pictures do not open with a red background, but with a black one. Also the
    distance of the bottom line to the SocialMedia icons is larger.

    As I said, everything is very strange. You can’t work like this! Before the last Enfold update
    this hadn’t been the case. I’m pretty sure that only since the update the problems exist.
    So, please have a look by your own. I’m really curious what the cause is. PS: I tried it with
    several browsers…everywhere the same!

    Sorry, but I’m a liitle bit in hurry with that project, so I hope you’ll can help me very soon.
    Thank you in glance!

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    It’s likely not a theme problem. Please try deactivating your optimisation plugin to see what happens then.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    nice to hear from you! It seems that you’re right! God damn…everytime these
    annoying problems with that plugins! ;-( Of course I knew that plugins often
    do bullshit to the system, but the problem is too, that these does not happen
    on every site! Very often you work quit normal and nothing happens! Can you
    confirm this experience?

    So, what is the conclusion of this? Always deactivate cache-plugins until you
    finished a website! ;-/ ;-) Or do you have a better suggestion? How do you
    work normaly?

    I’m looking forward to hear again from you.

    Kind regards


    Hi Carsten,

    Of course, I am always surprised when users have all sorts of caching and merging enabled while they are making changes actively. It is not time to optimize. Caching should be enabled when the website is almost ready and do not forget to flush caches from time to time.

    Glad you got it figured out! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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