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  • #1150327


    the site is

    I’ve tried several things but can’t seem to get the featured images on single posts or blog lists (like on the front page) to show the full image in the appropriate size. Is there a way I can do this?



    Hey simplicityltd, The link is not working for me, please check it.

    Please have a look at the following thread

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Thats odd, is the correct URL and works fine for me, also works fine in
    Could you try again please?

    Sorry, I wasn’t clear in the original post, I’m talking about the clipping of the images, not the size on the screen.

    All the uploaded featured images are a mix of portrait and landscape as well as different dimensions. What I’m trying to do is have them displayed in their correct ratio, with no clipping. So for thumbnails that are set to 100×100, a featured image of 1500×1000 would display as 100×67.
    The same would apply to a single post, I don’t want the full 1500×1000 image to be shown as the featured image on the single post, just the whole image, in original aspect ratio, reduced to fit the frame specified.

    Does that make sense?


    Hi simplicityltd,

    This time this link worked, but still, it shows a maintenance page so I a cannot really see much :)

    Please, share credentials in private.
    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    can we change the images size and regenerate them?
    Would this be OK?

    Best regards,


    Sure thing! feel free, thank you



    Please check now, let me know if everything is you need it to be.

    Best regards,



    Nothing seems to be different? I’ve cleared caches etc What am I missing?




    Sorry for the delay. The thumbnail used in the blog overview page is called “square”, which has a maximum width and height of 180px — for the single post page, the “entry_with_sidebar” thumbnail is used, and it has a maximum size of 845x321px. You can adjust the thumbnails’ default size value by using the Simple Image Sizes plugin. After the plugin activation, go to the Settings > Media panel, look for the thumbnails mentioned above, adjust the size value and set the “Cropping” parameter to “No” to maintain the images’ aspect ratio. Save or update the changes, then regenerate the thumbnails or upload the images again.


    Best regards,



    Sorry, but nothing has changed from any of these suggestions. Surely this can’t be that hard can it? Just whatever the container size is, make the image fit it with its original aspect ratio….? Can someone please help me, my client is getting a bit grumpy this is taking so long.

    Appreciate anything you can do, cheers.


    Hi simplicityltd,

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,


    I’m talking about the images further down the page (and on the articles page) where the posts featured image is shown. In fact, anywhere the posts featured image is shown.
    They look like this

    but my client wants to be able to see the whole image. So the same size container, but the whole image contained inside it without any cropping. If this could be universal across the site, wherever the featured image is displayed, that would be awesome but primarily, when using the blog posts tool in the Aviva layout builder please.

    Sorry if I’ve not been clear,

    Thank you



    Thank you for the update.

    You have to adjust the size of the “square” thumbnail and regenerate the thumbnails as suggested above. Did you regenerate the thumbnails after adjusting the thumbnail?


    If you don’t want to use the plugin, edit the includes > loop-index.php file and look for this code around line 79:

     $size = strpos($blog_style, 'big') ? (strpos($current_post['post_layout'], 'sidebar') !== false) ? 'entry_with_sidebar' : 'entry_without_sidebar' : 'square';

    Replace “square” with “full”.

     $size = strpos($blog_style, 'big') ? (strpos($current_post['post_layout'], 'sidebar') !== false) ? 'entry_with_sidebar' : 'entry_without_sidebar' : 'full';

    Best regards,



    I’m sorry to keep on but I’ve tried everything you’ve suggested but literally nothing changes. I’ve cleared caches everywhee I can find them and regenerated the thumbnails more times than I can count.

    The images are showing as I need them too on the Gallery page, I just need the thumbnails in the blog lists and on the single post page to display in the same way.

    Really appreciate your patience and help.




    Thank you for the update.

    We added the following css code to display the image in their actual size instead of them inheriting the size of the preview container.

    .small-preview img, .big-preview img {
    	width: auto;
    	height: 100%;
    	margin: 0 auto;

    Please check the screenshot below.


    Best regards,



    We’re almost there! THats working for the portrait images but its squashing the landscape ones. The same isn’t happening on the gallery page using a masonry gallery.

    All I wont to do is have the preview pics for the blogs look like they do on that gallery page.




    Thank you for the update.

    We didn’t notice that there are landscape images. Sorry about that. We adjusted the css code a bit. The actual aspect ratio of the images should be displayed now.

    Best regards,


    Epic! thank you :-)



    Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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