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  • #869303


    We build a lot of our websites on your theme Enfold. For example

    Question is: how can we disable the automation (auto playing slider) at the sliders off? All at once. We have about 800 postst all with a slider included. Any way to turn the automation off for all the sliders at once?

    Looking forward to your reply!



    Hey Luc,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look? Can you point us to a few pages with the slider?

    Best regards,


    Hi William,

    You can set the setting here
    Image 2017-10-28 at 12.26.34.png

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    The thing is that we have about 800 separate sliders and we want to turn them off all at once!
    Is this possible??

    Best regards,



    Please try this:

    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-content, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-content,.avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-title {
        -webkit-animation: none!important; 
        animation: none!important; 

    Best regards,

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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