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  • #1418383

    I have tried lots of different techniques, but am still running into issues doing the following tasks:

    1. Removing unused image sizes set by Enfold
    2. Changing Enfold-defined sizes

    Desired Outcomes:

    Biggest picture: Really streamline the image resources to allow for large library without so many image size variations to create massive filesystem bloat.

    1. Determine where Enfold-based Widget image size is used.
    2. Remove (or redefine them to other sizes, if possible) the following Enfold-created image sizes: Masonry, Magazine, Fullscreen Sections/Sliders, Portfolio small, Entry with Sidebar, Entry without Sidebar
    3. Change the default size for the following Enfold-based sizes: Featured Large (1920×1080)
    4. Viability of removing other WP-default sizes: 108×108 (thumbnail), 1536×1536, 2048×2048

    Methods Attempted

    I have tried a ton of different directions, including Simple Image Options (recommended on the theme Performance tab), Enfold code snippet library (, WordPress Docs (

    No matter which tool or how I apply the code, those registered image sizes continue to appear, both in the plugin display, but also in that Image section on the Performance tab. I can manually add image sizes, but without being able to get that snippet code to work, they are not selectable within any Avia panels.


    WP: 6.3.1
    Enfold: 5.6.6 (with child-theme)


    Try this and for changing the direct next post:

    But :
    after erasing some of those image-sizes – you had to regenerate your thumbnails : there are some good plugins to do so.

    // Disable loads of Enfold & WP image sizes upon upload
    // do image sizes manually, double-size with high compression for retina screens
    // use Photoshop to set exact double size and quality between Q30 and Q40
    add_action('init', 'remove_enfold_image_sizes');
    function remove_enfold_image_sizes() {
    // do NOT remove widget size, is used in backend portfolio items!
    // remove_image_size('widget');
    // Remove unneeded WP image sizes
    add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'prefix_remove_default_images' );
    // Remove default image sizes here. 
    function prefix_remove_default_images( $sizes ) {
    // do NOT remove small and medium sizes, they are used in backend Media Library!
    // unset( $sizes['small']); // 150px
    // unset( $sizes['medium']); // 300px
     unset( $sizes['large']); // 1024px
     unset( $sizes['medium_large']); // 768px
     return $sizes;

    adding new images sizes:

    add_image_size( 'custom-size', 220, 180, true );  // crop: false is default 
    add_image_size( 'custom-size', 220, 220, array( 'left', 'top' ) ); // Hard crop left top


    add_image_size( 'new-size', 2000, 500, true );
    function my_custom_sizes( $sizes ) {
        return array_merge( $sizes, array(
            'new-size' => __( 'New Size' ),
        ) );
    add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'my_custom_sizes' );

    /***** redefine existing size ****/

    function custom_modified_thumb_sizes( $size ){
      $size['entry_with_sidebar']     = array('width'=>900, 'height'=>450 );
      $size['entry_without_sidebar']  = array('width'=>1200, 'height'=>600 );       
      return $size;
    add_filter('avf_modify_thumb_size', 'custom_modified_thumb_sizes', 10, 1 );

    same as above : regeneration had to be done


    Wow! Thank you Guenni! Lots to look over here, but thank you very much for this help!



    So, I am trying to do this step-by-step, removing the default Enfold-based image sizes first. I kept the bulk of your framework, but made a few little changes. I applied the code below to my child themes functions file, and then did a full regeneration of the images, and removed any images that did not have sizes anymore.

    // Start Removing Image Sizes - Rev 20230907-3 //
    // Remove or unregister unused WordPress Image Sizes (via Enfold)
    // Disable loads of Enfold & WP image sizes upon upload
    // do image sizes manually, double-size with high compression for retina screens
    // use Photoshop to set exact double size and quality between Q30 and Q40
    add_action('init', 'remove_enfold_image_sizes');
    function remove_enfold_image_sizes() {
    // Remove unneeded WP image sizes
    add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'prefix_remove_default_images' );
    // Remove default image sizes here. 
    function prefix_remove_default_images( $sizes ) {
    // do NOT remove small and medium sizes, they are used in backend Media Library!
    // unset( $sizes['small']); // 150px
    // unset( $sizes['medium']); // 300px
     unset( $sizes['large']); // 1024px
     unset( $sizes['medium_large']); // 768px
     unset( $sizes['1536*1536']); // 1536x1536px
     unset( $sizes['2048*2048']); // 2048x2048px
     return $sizes;
    // Moduly Image Sizes
    add_image_size('Moduly-Square', 1080, 1080, false);
    add_image_size('Moduly-Horizontal', 1920, 1080, false);

    This is the result (on Performance Tab > Responsive Images Overview section), after the above adjustments.
    I do see the couple added image sizes, but unless I am a complete idiot, it still looks like the image sizes above are still being injected.

    Images aspect ratio: 1 : 1
    36*36 – Widget (added by theme)
    108*108 – thumbnail (WP default size)
    180*180 – Square (added by theme)
    540*540 – medium (WP default size)
    705*705 – Masonry (added by theme)
    1080*1080 – large (WP default size)
    1080*1080 – Moduly-Square (added by a plugin)
    1500*1500 – Fullscreen Sections/Sliders (added by theme)
    1536*1536 – 1536×1536 (WP default size)
    2048*2048 – 2048×2048 (WP default size)
    Images aspect ratio: 52 : 37
    260*185 – Portfolio small (added by theme)
    Images aspect ratio: 99 : 80
    495*400 – Portfolio (added by theme)
    845*684 – Gallery (added by theme)
    Images aspect ratio: 142 : 75
    710*375 – Magazine (added by theme)
    Images keeping original aspect ratio
    768*0 – medium_large (WP default size)
    Images aspect ratio: 845 : 321
    845*321 – Entry with Sidebar (added by theme)
    Images aspect ratio: 1210 : 423
    1210*423 – Entry without Sidebar (added by theme)
    Images aspect ratio: 150 : 43
    1500*430 – Featured Thin (added by theme)
    Images aspect ratio: 50 : 21
    1500*630 – Featured Large (added by theme)
    Images aspect ratio: 16 : 9
    1920*1080 – Moduly-Horizontal (added by a plugin)


    I feel like an idiot on this, because it seems like I am doing it right, but am just not getting it to do what it would appear it should be doing. Any ideas where I have gone wrong?


    i don’t know how your plugin react on this. My solution above is only for working with snippets inside your child-theme functions.php.

    i do not know how those regenerate Plugins do their job. – F.e. if they remove allready existing recalculated images.
    There is one Plugin from : Shortpixel Group:

    if this plugin recalculates the images – you can have under advanced options to erase non recalculated images from the uploaded folder.
    (click to enlarge:)

    btw.: this plugin also can create new image sizes.The only thing I notice is that the compression level does not work for Enfold formats.
    But you can set that beforehand by f.e:

    add_filter("avf_jpeg_quality", "avf_set_quality_mod", 9999, 1);
    add_filter("avf_wp_editor_set_quality", "avf_set_quality_mod", 9999, 1);
    function avf_set_quality_mod($quality) { $quality = 55; return $quality;}
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