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  • #898150

    Thanks for this Ismael,
    Ok, it now works but would you be able please of sending me the html code for making it look like the other footer widget title? I mean, for having the readymade style you give to all the titles in the footer widget

    Could you please adapt this html code with it?
    <p>I<span style=”font-size:500%;color:red !important;”>♥</span>Alcazar</p>

    In the other hand, could you please help me with this posted above?:

    By the way, this was commented in this post (above)…I have achieved a sticky menu for mobile…but, I have a little problem…It occuppies too much space of the first slider…I have tried decreasing the size of the header, and changing logo for mobile like here: … It works, but it seems the header is still occupying the same space and cutting a bit of the main slider…

    I have also seen that in pageSpeed Insights, the speed for mobile have been decreased considerably…Does it has something to do?

    Iḿ sorry for so much hassle but having no idea of coding sometimes itś difficult to get things work as you like…




    I’m sorry for the late response. We added the heart style in the editor. For other inquiries, please open a new thread.

    Best regards,

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