We have a site where we have pushed the whole container 30px from the top of the browser window, when using sticky nav, it always respects the 30px margin though out the whole scroll, i have used the header_scrolled to identify once the header becomes scrolled and stick it to top:0 which was a suggested solution but does not solve my issue.
When you scroll down from the top of the page, you can see white in the 30px gap that appears before the header_scrolled is invoked, site link in private content.
Is there a way of either changing the sticky header so it work ONLY on the nav/ main_menu block instead of the whole header or getting the header_scrolled to invoke as soon as the user scrolls 30px down the page?
Hey icuk!
Hmm, I’m not really sure I understand. I’m not sure what you did but it appears to be working like how you want it. When I scroll down it keeps it’s position until it reaches the top of the screen and then it sticks to the top.
Go ahead and take a screenshot or screencast on how your wanting it to behave and we’ll see what we can do.
Best regards,