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  • #1123061


    I’m using a sticky header and have some menu anchor points throughout a particular page. When you click on the link it takes you to the anchor point. This works well in most cases in a browser on a screen. But on a tablet the content goes to the top of the page and the sticky header then covers the content. I would expect that the height of the sticky header is taken into account so that the content appears directly below the header and not underneath.
    In one case, the jump to an anchor never works on the first click, no matter what medium.

    Anyone else seen this and have a solution?


    Hey thogro,

    Hm, I can see the issue but not on all clicks to be honest – although.
    A bit strange on the results it does return as functionality.

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,
    you are right. It’s usually the first click, the second click on the same link works. Here is the website of which I speak for the whole community:

    Maybe someone has an idea!



    I think I notice that the problem happen after some Anchor clicks.

    Best regards,

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