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  • #247847

    Hi Guys…

    Absolutely, hands down…best theme I’ve ever purchased and worked with. I’m using this theme to redo my website and was wondering (praying) if there would be a quick css that would:

    1) Allow me to remove the small margin above the header so that my logo could be flush with the top of screen
    2) Have the main navigation sit to the left and right of the logo view

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi erussell!

    1- Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    .logo img { padding: 0; }

    2- It is possible but would require deeper customization. You are going to need to hire a freelance developer on Envato Studio or Codeable for that kind of customization as it is beyond the scope of support we can provide. You can also request quote from WerkPress.

    Best regards,


    Worked perfectly…thanks. And I figured it may require customizations so thank you for the recommendations.

    I’m sure I could eventually find this, but where can I set the responsive parameters so the logo will stay remain centered when it scales down for smartphones?

    Thanks again…



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #main {
    margin-top: -81px;
    .responsive .mobile_slide_out .logo {
    margin-left: 50%;

    You may need to adjust the margin left value to center it perfectly


    Worked perfect. Thanks again.

    One last question…I’ve successfully added both custom and google fonts to the site, however I’m not able to change the font on the main menus as well as the main body type. I’ve seen little snippets about it, but it seems some have been problematic. What would be your recommendation for the best approach to this?




    You can use following code in Quick CSS field to change them

    .av-main-nav > li > a { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }
    body { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }

    It seems like you have already changed it –
    Please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times if you cannot see the changes


    Worked Perfectly…again. What you saw was a font that is very close to what I’m using, but now I’ve got the specific font and weight set, so thanks again.

    As others have said, this theme is great…best one I’ve ever worked with and I appreciate your responsiveness. I’m trying to only ask questions that I can’t find, but is it possible to customize the buttons? I’m looking to replicate the buttons on another site of mine:

    Specifically the READ MORE button just below the thumbnails. I’ve already installed the typeface, now I’m just wondering if I can quickly modify the look with some quick css.

    Thanks, I think this should be my last question. :)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by erussell.

    Sorry, I guess I should have posted the link to my other site:



    Can you show which read more buttons on your website? I could not find it. Also, how you would like to customize it?

    Best regards,


    Here is a screenshot of the sites style guide where I’ve defined the buttons. I don’t expect you to show me how to do all the buttons, but if I knew how to do one, obviously I could figure out the rest. Thanks Yigit.



    You should choose subtle color in button options to see the changes

    .main_color .avia-color-theme-color-subtle {
    background-color: transparent;
    color: black;
    border-color: black;
    .main_color .avia-color-theme-color-subtle:hover {
    background-color: black;
    color: white;
    border-color: black;




    Now I’m just wondering if I an change the font in the button. I’ve already loaded up a google font (Montserrat) which I have defined as the button font in H6 here:

    Is there any way I can replace it?

    PS. Do you guys accept tips? ;)



    Following code should do it

    .main_color .avia-color-theme-color-subtle { font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; }

    And no, we are just glad to help. We appreciate your kindness :)



    Yigit, you’ve just been elevated to rockstar status.

    It looks just a bit off…is there a way I can change the font size or adjust things so the text floats a bit better in the box?

    Thanks for all your time.



    Please as following code to Quick CSS as well and adjust as needed

    .main_color .avia-color-theme-color-subtle { font-size: 15px; }



    Just figured out the font size (duh), now just trying to figure out the best syntax to add so the font sits center in the button since it needs to be a bit higher:

    …and I’m serious about the tip. You probably can’t take them, but if you can send me your paypal ;)



    Can you post a screenshot and show how you would like to look? I am not sure if i really understood the issue :/



    So it’s just moving the text up 2 – 3 pixels:



    It does look centered on my end –
    Which browser and OS are you using?
    You can adjust using following code

    .main_color .avia-color-theme-color-subtle { padding-top: 5px; }



    I’m on MacOSX and Safari 7.0.2, but it was just barely off and the padding script did it.

    Yigit, sincerely…thank you for your help today. Best support I’ve ever had.



    You are welcome Eric, glad we could help :) Let us know if you have any other questions or issues

    Best regards,

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