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  • #1077575

    Eine spezielle Überschrift am Seitenanfang OHNE Grid Row ist in Grossbuchstaben;
    sobald das Element in eine Grid Row gepackt wird nicht mehr?!?

    Auch andere Elemente verhalten sich anders je nachdem ob sie in einer Grid Row sind oder nicht.
    Warum ist das so?


    Hallo HaraldP,

    Where can we see the problem in question?



    Hello Rikard,

    Thanks for your reply.
    Here you can see the problem in action:

    Let me know if you need a login to check it out in depth.
    Seems like the parent elements does override some CSS properties of the header element.

    There is a related problem with the masonry gallery element – where I did some digging, see:

    Maybe this is even by design?
    Although, I dont find it intuitive getting different results with Grid Row and Color Section parent elements.
    TIA for your clarification.


    Another funny thing I just realized is
    that the Headers are not really centered.

    Left border is larger than right – this is with every parent element.
    Probably in combination with the left side main menu…


    Hi HaraldP,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      .av-subheading.av-subheading_below p {
        width: 60vw;
      .av-special-heading.av-special-heading-h1 {
        margin: 10 px 0 !important;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hey Vic!

    What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this code? Fixing the secondary(!) problem “not exactly centered”?
    Did you check that? This is not really working – while it does makes some changes, it´s not working on the grid row based element at all. The two others are somewhat more centered, but not exactly (hanging to the left now).

    But this is not my initial problem – which explained in german – you cant read that probably, so I´´ll explain again:
    I´m bewildered by the fact that a header-element displays COMPLETELY DIFFERENT based on the parent element.

    First question:
    Header design (color, capital letters, margins/padding) differ on cloned elements, depending on the parent container.
    I make a comprehensive demo page AND an extra login so you guys can check that out in detail.
    Did you see that? Are you aware of the “changing design” fact?
    Is that to be considered a bug or is this by design?

    Second question:
    What is best practice how to use containers in avia framework
    (documentation contains nothing about best practice what I´m aware of using the search function)
    Should I put all content-elements in grid rows or not?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by HaraldP.

    Hi HaraldP,

    Yes, you’re right, elements to look and act differently in different containers, not all the time though.

    This gives a lot of freedom of expression and it can be too much freedom sometimes. You can use the grid-rows or not, but for a more consistent look, you might want to stick to one style and one type of containers on your end.

    And we are always here to help with the tweaks if needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vic,
    “elements to look and act differently in different containers, not all the time though.”
    Good to know – but it´s totally beyond me, why one would design it that way.
    Why would anybody want to have eg. different h1-headers – depending on some invisible layout container?

    You should really point that intriguing fact out, because it gave me (and I´m sure not only me) quite a few WTF-moments!
    Any general rules on the when and when not – or does one have to get through it by trial and error?




    Thank you for noticing these details.

    The only difference between the heading tag inside a grid and a color section or a column is this css declaration.

    .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h1, .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2 {
        text-transform: uppercase;
        letter-spacing: 1px;

    Again, the “template-page” div is a container that is not present in a grid row element. That css is probably unintentional and something that we just overlooked.

    The headings look the same if you apply this css code.

    body .av-special-heading .av-special-heading-tag {
        text-transform: uppercase;
        letter-spacing: 1px;


    We adjusted the text of the first heading so that they’re all identical.

    Best regards,


    Hey Isamel,
    Sure, need a consistent look – so I need to look at the details.Thanks for the valuable insights – and the overall outstanding support.
    I really appreciate your effort – and yes, Enfold is indeed the best and most versatile themes I ever encountered.
    There are issues in every theme – but you definitely do the best job to remedy those little hick ups.

    Last thing – the “not really centered” header:
    found out that adding Margin-Left/Right (yes, same value) in the spacing options, somehow borks the positioning of the header itself
    (seems it doesnt want to let go of its horizontal size)
    Solved it for me by setting the values to 0.

    View post on


    Thanks again!
    Best regards.



    Thanks for the update. Let us know if you need anything else. We’ll close the thread now.

    Best regards,

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