Hallo lieber Support,
unsere Webseite ist extrem langsam geworden. Speichern dauert fast eine Minute. Die enfold einstellungen ließen sich gar nicht mehr abspeichern. ein redirect der 404-Seite auf die Startseite funktioniert nicht.
Ich habe in der wp-config das Mmemory_limit auf 128M angehoben, aber dennoch ist alles extreeeeeeem langsam. Vielleicht hängt dies mit woocomerce zusammen?
Bitte um Hilfe?
herzlichen dank
Dear Support Team
our website has become extremely slow. Saving takes almost a minute. The enfold settings could not be saved at all. redirecting the 404 page to the start page does not work. I also get “Diese antwort ist keine json”.
I increased the mmemory_limit in wp-config to 128M, but still everything is extremeeeem slow. Maybe this is related to woocomerce? which i deleted again. but still everything takes ages to save or open .
Ask for help?
thanks a lot
Hi Alfred,
What is your hosting provider? Is the provider using CDN?
Best regards,
Hello Victoria,
we are hosted at world4you.com in Linz, Austria. Everything worked fine up to 2-3 days ago. We have been working quite a lot on the page installing, deinstallling plugins, etc. I have asked them, if they are using CDN. Until now no response.
Hi evkaho,
Well, to rule out the theme you can deactivate it and see if the issue persists with the default WordPress theme. You can export the theme settings in the Theme options > Import/Export tab to not lose all your settings.
Best regards,