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  • #1284188


    I hope someone here has an Idea. On Safari it needs 8-10 seconds that my website is loading and I did not find out the reason.The URL is https://www.petvilla.co.nz

    I already tried the following:

    – Analysis with curtain tules, to reduce File Sizes
    – PHP / WordPress Caching on/off
    – Checking on Memory and CPU Load on the Server
    – Disable Plugins and Enable Step-by-Step
    – Optimize Apache Settings

    Using WordPress 5.6.1 and Enfold I am sure I oversee something but running out of ideas. I hope that someone has a better idea, what the problem can be.


    Hey terra3110,

    Sorry for the late reply. There is room for improvement on your site when it comes to speed, as you can see in the test in private. I’m not sure how you test in Safari only though? I loaded your site manually in Chrome and Safari, but I couldn’t see any difference in speed between the two browsers.

    Best regards,

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