On the “progress bars” element it is possible to customize the color of the bars with the color of the theme or 11 other predefined colors. But I would like to define a specific color with a html code as for the element “icon list” for example. I can obviously change the primary color of the theme but how do I do if I want two elements “progress bars” or “Tables” for example with each of the different specific colors? Ideally I would like to assign categories to my different pages with for each category a specific primary color.
Hey Joseph_HILFIGER,
You would need custom CSS for that, unless you pick one of the colour which are available in the Bar Color option if you open the individual bars in the backend. If you need custom CSS then let us know what you want to change on the page you linked to.
Best regards,
ok, so I have 3 main themes in my site each with a color like your “enfold flat business demo”. In the “webmarketing” part the thematic color is # 307ECC, in the “formation commerciale” part the thematic color is # F1C40F and in the “photo pro” part the thematic color is # 83A846. So I would like elements such as “progress bars”, “Tables” or bold text for exemple to take the thematic color of the corresponding part.
I would need a css that says:
primary color # 307ECC => CAT X
primary color # F1C40F => CAT Y
primary color # 83A846 => CAT Z
And then be able to assign to my pages one category or another.
thank you in advance for your response,
Joseph H.