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  • #1268451

    Hi guys from the Staff, I’m losing hope, but I think it’s the fault of my lack of experience, I need to add the shadow to a special title so that it is more visible, I use the css modification present in the advanced section of the special title but not it works, I insert in the id field I insert (#shadow) and in the personal css field (.shadow .av-special-heading-tag {text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black! important;}) the round brackets I used to delimit the fields I wrote on this post.
    I hope you can give me a solution thanks and good luck.


    Hey Diego,

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vittoria, thanks for your reply, the site is not yet published, I’m working on it, I’ll insert a lick to view the page, basically I want the title to have a shadow under it, (see the image I want there is a shadow under the title as there is under the strawberries) in order to have a better reading, the font I use I inserted it through the enfold font panel called candycake which I use for the titles in custom formatting H2, I hope that I am able to explain what I would like to do, I am waiting for your information.

    shadow under the title



    Thanks for that. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #drop-shadow h2.av-special-heading-tag  {
        text-shadow: 2px 4px #000;

    Best regards,


    yes it works thanks, can I do for all titles and text fields?


    I’m noticing a problem if I open the page with eighth notes, the custom I loaded keeps the obra effect but the character appears to be in arial instead of the candycake font, any ideas?



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure which page contains eighth notes? I don’t know what obra effect is either? Which font in particular is not working, and for which elements?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, I have a similar question but for H1 heading. I changed your css to

    #drop-shadow h1.av-special-heading-tag  {
        text-shadow: 2px 4px #000;

    but I’m not seeing a drop shadow for my special heading text. How do I also include a drop shadow on the subheading text too?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by prospanicatc.

    hello thank you for your time that you dedicate to me, I noticed that opening the internet page with different browsers the h2 title formatted with the fast css code you indicated to me appears to have a different font, in particular the problem seems to appear with eighth notes, while firfox, safari everything seems to be correct.


    Hi prospanicatc,

    Please open a new ticket for your problem. Provide us admin access to have a deeper look into the issue, as well as precise links where we can see the issue. Screenshots highlighting what’s going on would help a lot (, dropbox).

    Best regards,

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