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  • #967463

    When I send out blog posts via email, the special headings that i use as titles dont show up…is there a way to change this or an easy way around it?



    What do you mean by “send out blog posts via email”?


    Hi wescrete,

    I have the same question as @mailworm, what exactly do you mean by that?

    Best regards,


    like, when you “publicize” a post via email


    for example, heres a screen grab of the post when sent by email and heres a link to the actual site version (note: i added pics after it was sent out because i find those dont come out in the way they are supposed to look on the post, usually all stacked up at the beginning of the email)


    Hi wescrete,

    How did you configure the newsletter?

    Best regards,


    the titles were in “special headings” and the text was just text blocks…the special headings did not show up when sent to subscribers

    is that what you meant?



    That is not an issue of our theme we are afraid.
    Please consider contact WordPress org support at forums! :)

    Best regards,

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