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  • #498019

    Some pages are generating a different style weight of font on the headings using the special “heading element “ in enfold
    Both special headings are a H5 size 45 , modern style centre same padding etc and identical settings in every way but look different, i have about 10 pages that look like they are bold when using special headings..

    This page is correct. you can see the heading title Music Production & DJ Course and word “Introduction” is nice and thin and all the other special headings used on the this page are correct

    But this page using the special “heading element “ same font weight size and H5 tag it looks like its bold,

    it is strange as it just some pages that are wrong they should all look like the thinner font on

    it is the same in safari and chrome on all the iMacs i have tried it on, but is fine on my laptop (weird!!) , they are all the same and correct though (thin) when I’m logged into wordpress and viewing the pages too, any ideas??

    Not logged into word press: and wrong

    Logged into wordpress correct:

    Whats even stranger is that i have deleted a page and rebuilt it and its now using the bold look, i also saved a correct page as a template and used that in a new page and that stays correct, (thin) If i even add a brand new page with only a special heading on it set the same settings and nothing else on the page at all, it looks bold! Nothing has changed no new plugins etc, just random pages and new pages that don’t work on special headings…



    Looks pretty much the same on my end, are you seeing it on a specific browser / OS?

    Best regards,


    Strangley enough I added an advanced layer slider section to the bottom of that page and it made the font size in that page correct if I remove the layer slider it goes back to fat font.
    Please look at it again as I have now removed the layer slider from the bottom of the page. It’s also still wrong on the other pages see links in my question.
    They all work fine when logged into WordPress though. Chrome is the main issue safari seems ok. If I am logged into WordPress chrome shows the headings corectly, when not logged in the links in my post are fatter special headings. I can supply login details if you would like?


    Hm, seems the issue is related to caching then, do you have any plugin for that? if so, try flushing it.

    Best regards,


    No caching plugins, turned all plugins off and back on.

    Still have pages that look correct when logged into wordpress not when not logged in.

    Please see pages in in private content, all the special headings are fatter. As i said in my original post.

    Do you want log in details so you can see them when logged into wordpress?

    I have read a similar post that people had issues with special headings looking different when logged in to admin, i have tried all the options on those posts and nothing..

    Can you please look again?



    Please post login details in the Private Content area of your reply so that we can have a closer look.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Rikard.

    I have got a bit further with a developer.

    Font style: Seems it’s a theme bug. We have checked the source of site in both the login and with out logged conditions. Some font style sheets are loading for the login users but not for the non logged stage.

    I have supplied login details



    I see why now, you needed to re-register Open Sans because the theme version does not include the 300 variation, i’ve added the following to your child functions.php for that:

    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font',  'avia_add_custom_font');
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font',  'avia_add_custom_font');
    function avia_add_custom_font($fonts) {
    	$fonts['Open Sans'] = 'Open Sans:300,400,600,700,800';
    	return $fonts;

    The reason you saw the font correct while logged-in was because WordPress uses Open Sans (full) in its UI.



    Bloody brilliant! Its working a treat,..

    Can you explain why it worked on some pages then? but not other before you added the code?

    Also I do use font weight 100 in some places though, is that ok?


    Hm, no i don’t know. There’s no Open Sans 100 as far as i know:

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