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  • #1272404

    I have a clean wp install with the latest enfold installed.
    I try to use a special header > h3 > elegant, with an icon, but it gets cut of when a ‘g’ (or i guess anything with a lower sign) is in the text. This at least happens in Chrome. It even happens in the backend > when showing the example on the right.
    I use open sans and font-size 14px in my theme settings.
    Tried some CSS fixing and found that increasing the height of .heading-wrap to a fixed value worked. Also tried to use z-index etc. but none of that seemed to work. Any ideas on a solid fix on this?



    Hey wzshop,

    Please try to edit the element in question under Enfold->Advanced Styling, and set a higher line-height value to it, to see if that works. If not then please post a link to where we can see the actual problem.

    Best regards,


    Adjusting the line-height seemed to work. I guess this should be part of a permanent solution in the main theme files?


    Hi wzshop,

    Well, it can be easily adjusted so I am not sure that it will be added to the theme files.

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Well the default value is not working properly on (at least) chrome, so you may want to check that.
    Thanks anyways and all the best!


    Hi wzshop,

    Well, it can be that it’s not working only on your end or can even be a cache issue. I have not seen your page, unfortunately, and so cannot really tell you why it was happening on your end. But I am glad it is resolved now :)

    All the best to you too.
    Best regards,


    Don;t see how this can be a cache issue. Anyway, won’t create a staging site for this. Maybe if there is any enfold demo page with a title like this, I can check if I have the same issue.



    Hi wzshop,

    Sure, please share the link with us the next time you encounter the issue, that would be great.

    Best regards,

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