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  • #1167836

    Do you know the font type of the special ampersand & in t he enfold law theme?

    Thank you,

    Greetings Lianne


    just one moment:
    … on the css it is declared as Baskerville – but this is no Baskerville et sign.
    To me it looks like the FF Clifford Eighteen italic
    Try to find a google font like this …
    Aha could be a Baskerville italic seem that a lot of Fonts got this variation on italic et sign


    Thank you Guenni for your help,

    Unfortunatly it is not the same.
    How is it possible that the font is different than open sans, that’s what is used?

    Maybe you know where to find it in the CSS?

    I cannot add a picture here.
    To me it seems to be Kriesi added the font in the CSS?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Lianne33.

    on base css line 379 there is :

    font-family: "Baskerville", "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino", "Times New Roman", serif; 
    font-style: italic; 
    font-size: 1.3em; 
    line-height: 0.5em; 

    and on functions-enfold.php there is the function: avia_ampersand
    to rule the substitution. ( it set the ampersand sign between span tags with class: special_amp
    By the way if you gave that custom-class: special_amp to a whole text-block it will show you that styling.

    so a lot of users have the problem to get rid of it than to have the style.
    And : Baskerville is not a good Websafe Font – so it might not be seen the substitution on older Win Systems:


    you can see here – if you put in your own text that a baskerville italic suits best:

    or goto Google Fonts :

    PS : you can see on those signs better the source from the “ampers-and” latin and : et


    Hi Lianne33,

    Did Guenni007’s suggestions help you with the issue or do you need more help?

    thanks for sharing! :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Yesss it worked out, it was the Palatino italic font,
    I’m @guenni007 very thankfull and you too!

    Greetings Lianne


    Hi Lianne33,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Happy Holidays!

    Best regards,

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