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  • #667969

    Liebes Kriesi-Team,

    eine grundsätzliche Frage: Mir ist es beim Envira Thema bisher nicht gelungen, den Abstand zwischen mehreren Spalten, die der AVIA Builder kreiert hat, zu verrringern. Er beträgt in jedem Fall (auch bei verschiedenen Browserbreiten immer mehr als 10mm. Gibt es da eine Lösung, die ich noch nicht gefunden habe?

    Bevor ich jetzt noch mehr Zeit investiere, nur um festzustellen, dass es da keinen Weg gibt, frage ich lieber mal nach. ;)

    lG Ernst

    P.S.: Die Lizenz habe ich bereits vor zwei Jahren erworben, danach aber leider eine Reihe von Unfällen gehabt, die mich am Arbeiten hinderten. Deshalb bin ich wohl ein wenig spät dran… ;)

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by ernst_w.

    As I see that German is not the right language for an Austrian Developer, here my question again:

    Is there a possibility to reduce space between colums with AVIA Architkt Builder or not? I could find only space or no space. And additionally: Ist there a possibility to get colums centered? Means e.g. three 1/4 colums centered in the page (to get more space to the right and left border of the page.

    Best regards



    We have more English speaking moderators than German so if posting in English would not be an issue, please do so as you would probably get a quicker response :)

    Yes, that is possible. You can go to Enfold/css/grid.css file to adjust it or you can post the link to your page and we can provide you custom CSS code.

    You can add your columns inside a color section element with unique class and then refer to this post – Instead of 100%, you can decrease the width to center your elements.



    Hello Yigit!
    Thanks a lot for help. I’m working on ist and will give you a feedback.


    Hi Yigit!

    First problem – the spacing between colums – I solved by modifying grid.css (new spacing 2% and adapted column widths). Worked fine. I failed to get theese changes in the custom.css of my working child. I tried because I didn’t want to change to original theme.

    Of course I could get theese changes in the custum.css (general area), but when I put the original grid.css into enfold ccs folder again, it didn’t work. I know, this is only a problem of my mind, but I couldn’t solve it yet. Probably here is a fault in my thoughts about how custom.css is working.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by ernst_w.

    Hello Yigit!
    I would like to spend some money to extend my support for enfold. I am surprised I could not find any link to do so.

    Okay, my eyes have had some accidents during the last two years and are very bad, but otherwise I can see my code. Hardly but I can. ;)



    Hello Yigit!
    got the possibility to extend my support for enfold with last update. One problem solved. ;)


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by ernst_w.


    Could you please provide a link to the page with the columns? What is the css code that you changed?

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,

    of course I can. ;) See Private Content.

    You can find my code in custom.css of used child. And this code works as I expected, if I place it in grid.css of original theme. So far so good. I would like to plce it in my child theme to avoid overwriting by update.

    What I find by writing the code: Enfold is based on a 10 col grid. Why isn’t it possible to get mor than 5 cols by AVIA? It would had helped me a lot at the beginning (e.g. 1/10(empty)+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/10 (empty) and I would have solved one of my problems perfectly)…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by ernst_w.


    You can place the custom css code in the child theme’s style.css file. It should override the default styling in the grid.css. If not, add the !important rule so that the css property gets more priority. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to create a 1/10 column element.

    Best regards,



    1. “You can place the custom css code in the child theme’s style.css file.”:
    I did before you asked me to do so. It didn’t help.

    2. Ad “If not, add the !important rule so that the css property gets more priority.”:
    I did now, it didn’t make any difference. It does not work.

    3. As I could see til now, it works only, if I replace code in the grid.css.

    Very frustrating.

    Best regards



    can you post the code you are referring to please? you could use if you want.

    Best regards,



    Yes, I will post the code. And I have given You full access to the code lang before. But, never mind, I will post ist here too:

    /* EDIT margin-left 2%, Spaltenbreite angepasst -
    Columns for better content separation
    ================================================== */
    body div .first,
    body div .no_margin {
      margin-left: 0;
    div .flex_column {
      z-index: 1;
      float: left;
      position: relative;
      min-height: 1px;
      width: 100%;
    div .av_one_fifth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 18.4% !important;
    div .av_one_fourth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 23.5% !important;
    div .av_one_third {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 32% !important;
    div .av_two_fifth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 38.8% !important;
    div .av_one_half {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 49% !important;
    div .av_three_fifth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 59.2% !important;
    div .av_two_third {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 66% !important;
    div .av_three_fourth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 74.5% !important;
    div .av_four_fifth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 79.6% !important;
    div .av_one_sixth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 15% !important;
    div .av_one_seventh {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 12.5714285714% !important;
    div .av_one_eighth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 10.75% !important;
    div .av_one_nineth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 9.33333333333% !important;
    div .av_one_tenth {
      margin-left: 2% !important;
      width: 8.2% !important;
    /* Container <100% stellen wegen Farb-Sektion und Spalten - noch nicht geprüft
    ============================= */
    #mwxtp .container { width: 80% !important; max-width: 80%; padding: 0; margin: 0 !important; }

    Den Code wegen der schmäleren Spaltenabstände habe ich im grid.css geprüft. Und zwar natürlich ohne die !important-Regel. Er funktioniert dort prächtig. Aber weder im custom.css noch im style.css des Childs wird er berücksichtigt.

    Oh, jetzt habe ich Deutsch und EWnglisch gemischt. Ich hoffe, Andy liest das selbst.

    Best regards


    Thanks, Andy!

    It is a little bit amusing to see differnt team members answering, sometimes not reading what happened before. ;)

    I have read your a.m. topic. But as I wrote before: whether style.ccs nor custim.css in the child folder did work. It worked perfactly when I replace the code in grid.css located original theme folder, which sows me that the code snippet is working as it should. But it would be overwritten when updating. I will try later to place a complete new grid.css in child folder. After holidays, but I will.

    Best regards



    alright, let us know when you’re done. We keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,


    You can close this thread. I have done it with another theme…

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by ernst_w.
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