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  • #27184

    I am creating a menu on my website using the 1/2 column layout. I was able to add padding on the left and right of the columns, but want to reduce the spacing on the bottom of each section is this possible?


    Hi massagedevie,

    You can do it with a couple of different ways but the most direct would be targeting those elements via css selectors and the ID’s for that section and page.

    If you can provide a link and point out which columns it is we can assist with the css.




    I would like remove some (not all) space from below the prices and above the next service. Basically where the next group of columns start.

    Going forward is there a recommended program I can sync with this theme to make the css changes while viewing the elements on the page?

    Thank you



    Please add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS

    body .column-top-margin {
    margin-top: 20px;

    You can use Google Chrome’s (Inspect Element) or Firefox’s Firebug.




    Putting it in the quick CSS, but did work in custom.css.

    Thank you so much!


    Glad Ismael could help :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.



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