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  • #1256863


    We recently updated the PayPal plugin with their team and after asking their engineer how to go about spacing the buttons, he suggested that the spacing is theme related.

    On these pages, the PayPal Checkout and PayPal Pay Later buttons appear directly below the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button with no spacing. As it just looks a bit off and may confuse some people, is there a way you can provide to add margin, padding or spacing below the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button and the first PayPal Checkout button.

    Cart Page Button Layout

    Checkout Page Button Layout

    iPhone Cart Page Button Layout

    Thank you in advance!


    I did use the following css in the customizer tool, but was not sure if it’s done correctly:

    .woocommerce-page .button {
    margin: 5px 2px 24px 2px;
    #top #payment #place_order {
    float: none;
    margin: 5px 2px 24px 2px;


    Hi npmcgrew,

    The css looks ok, is it solving your issue or do you need more help?

    Best regards,

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