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  • #766583

    I’m writing a post and using the default editor. But all of a sudden spaces are missing after punctuation. For example, ‘Hello – World’ will show up as ‘Hello-World’. Or ‘Hello; World’ will come up as ‘Hello;World.’ Please feel free to look at my draft post that is exhibiting these issues. Info in private content.


    Hey kieranvyas,
    I sorry, I could not recreate your issue, or see it in the current text. Are you still having this issue?

    Best regards,


    Yes I am. If you go to my draft post ‘Tales of an Actor’ and look at the first heading entitled: “Master of the House”–James, East London, you will see that in the editor I have written:

    “Master of the House” – James, East London

    And if you preview the post then it shows:

    “Master of the House”–James, East London

    Notice the spaces either side of the hyphen. It does this on most hyphens and also after colons, semi colons and some other punctuation.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by mosaic.

    It looks like the plugin “Recent Posts Widget Extended” is causing this issue. I deactivated and the issue was solved, until I reactivated.

    Best regards,


    AH right okay! Thank you very much!!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by mosaic.

    Your welcome and Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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