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  • #1476082


    When I am trying to fill in titles to some things, like buttons, testimonials… things that are an extra layer deep, the area to type in won’t allow me to put a space between words. For example, if I type “ReplyNow” it ignores my space button. As a wrap around, I can type the sentence in word, and copy and paste it. Is there a better way to do this?

    Very annoying. Sorry I don’t know the proper word for what area.

    Thank you


    Hey MysticMimi,
    Thanks for the login, I tested a few elements on different pages, but the “space” key always works for me.
    Please create a test page with the element that you can not use the “space” key so we can examine.
    Typically this is due to a plugin.
    Please note that you don’t need the “Classic Editor” plugin, it is built into the theme at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Select Your Editor
    Screen Shot 2025 02 02 at 8.23.55 AM

    Best regards,


    I actually use the classic editor, not blocks….

    But, I created a test page, and the space key works on that page. hmmm.


    Let us know when we can see the issue.

    Best regards,

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