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  • #1402298

    Hey, how can I fix the spacing problem between my Slider and Header?

    The White Space is to big but I don’t know why.



    Hi Anna_Tewes,

    Thanks for providing the screenshot.
    I tried to go to the URL shown in the screenshot however it seems to require username and password to view it.
    Can we request for it? just post the credentials privately.

    Best regards,




    Hi Anna_Tewes,

    Thanks for giving us the link to the page.
    I tried to check it in mobile but I don’t see any issue on my end, screenshot in private content.
    Can you try to clear the browser cache on your phone? and see if it helps.

    Best regards,


    hey, I fixed it! Thank You!

    Is it possible, that the header is transparent on mobil and when you start scrolling the header appears with white bg (same as desktop).

    Thank you


    Hi Anna_Tewes,

    Please try to add this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      .html_mobile_menu_tablet #top #wrap_all #header,
      .html_mobile_menu_tablet #top #wrap_all #header .header_bg {
        background-color: transparent;
      .html_mobile_menu_tablet #top #wrap_all #header.av_header_transparency {
        background-color: white;

    Best regards,


    Thank you!

    Now this is the situation:

    At the start it has a white BG. When you start scrolling it becomes transparent.

    But I need at the start transparent header and while scrolling white BG.

    Best regards


    Hi Philipp,

    I see, it seems my code is reversed, please use this CSS code instead:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      .html_mobile_menu_tablet #top #wrap_all #header.av_header_transparency {
        background-color: transparent;
      .responsive #top #main {
        padding: 0 !important;

    Best regards,

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