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  • #1246476

    I’d need soft hyphen on one page in one special heading. The word is too long for mobile phone.
    How should I do it?


    Hey tammiviestinta,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    On this peage the word TYÖLLISYYSPALVELUT is too long on mobile screen.



    Just to clarify, you want a line break on mobile correct?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon




    No ! – a linebreak is something different.
    A Softhyphen is a conditional hyphen. It breaks a word if the surrounding place is not big enough – and sets on that case a hyphen.

    You can use &shy and directly after it a semicolon ­ will then have that effect.

    But big disadvantage you will not see the place on the backend if and where you have set it. And i guess on editing that f.e. heading again it will be lost.

    so use Günters little helpful plugin with some extra characters : Advanced Special Characters

    you can open that php and edit it to your needs ( because i do not want to use three # before and after those signs – i changed it only to one )
    and added some special characters – so my translation list looks like this:

    even in code tag it will change the signs – so only an image of it:

    or on pastebin the complete php to put in your plugins directory: Link

    so usage is easy – when using #shy# the soft-hyphen is set and can be seen on backend and is permanent set even on editing the alb again:


    PS: this is very helpfull because if you like to insert signs as greater than or less or equal than etc. The Editor will handle them as a beginning tag – and so sometimes breaks the layout. Try to insert to a table alb element a greater than sign !

    seems to be changed on newest Enfold something that in text-blocks the greater than and similar are no longer miss interpreted now after all


    Thanks! I have to study this.

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