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  • #1078319

    Dear support,
    i’m using masonry grid for showing portfolio items.
    I set sort options by post tag, select 4 of 6 tags but it show me all the tags filter on frontend.
    This is my action: actions
    This is the results: result

    Can you help me please?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by sitebysite.

    Any suggestion please?



    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. Also please point out on which page we can find the element in your screenshots.

    Best regards,


    I send all the informations in private content.



    Any update please?



    We would like to apologize for the late response.

    Did you remove the masonry element? We can’t find it anywhere in the page. And the login page redirects us to the home page. What is the login url?

    Best regards,


    Hi this isi the login url and it works for sure because we are working on it.
    Sorry for the redirect but our SEO team changed permalink of the page. thisi is the page where you can find masonry elemnt.
    Remeber to set your file host.



    Any update please?
    We are working for pubblishing it and we would solve this bug or i can delete voice with css but i think it’s not the right way.



    Can we access the site without setting the host file? We edited the host file but the login page is still not accessible.

    Best regards,


    We don’t set any rules in our server, there is no caching systems because we are developing and no firewall…it’s very strange.
    Privately i send the exact configuration taht we have in our file host.
    Don’t use virtual host chrome extension but modify the host file.
    Without setting file host the site in inaccesible.

    I wait for your response.

    Thanks so much.



    Yes, that is what I used in my Windows 8 host file but it didn’t work. Can you make the site publicly accessible temporarily?

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,
    i can’t make the site publicly accessible temporarily because we used same domain taht is actually online.
    It’s very strange that modyfing host file it does not work, we are about 30 people in office and it works, but all with windows 10.


    I noticed that if i add a portfolio tag it also goes to blog post tag!!!
    Maybe this is the problem?
    in my screenshot “news golf” and “offerte gof” are post tag and iused the others (bambini, famiglie e coppie, per tutti and giovani) to order portfolio items.


    I suppose i have ti disable the filter by css….



    Thank you for letting us know – we appreciate it.

    Best regards,

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