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  • #1373119

    Hi folks.

    When I add a bunch of images to a gallery (a masonry gallery, for instance), the images are shown from the “Media Gallery” in a random way, and it is not easy to add them to the gallery in a chronological order. In fact, my images have a progressive number in the filename (as it is normal for pictures taken with a digital camera). I would like to respect that order. The only way to do it is by re-arranging them one by one, and it’s not so easy as you can imagine.

    Is there any dirty trick/workaround/whatever that I can use to automatically sort the images by filename, before or also after they are added to a gallery?

    Thanks folks for your great support!


    Hey Angelo,
    Thanks for your question, I don’t know of any “dirty trick” but in my test the images are added to the masonry gallery in the order that you select them, so when you pick them, choose them in the order you wish. After I pick them I find it easy to drag them into a different order.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike, too bad you have to do it by hand… you can close the topic. Bye!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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