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  • #730554

    Map doesn’t display on home page. API key installed/registered correctly. Reinstalled theme. Deleted, added element.Flushed cache. Tried other browsers. Still no show. Login creds in private content. Thanks Mike


    Hey mhiller,

    in your Console I can see this error:

    Could you check this please? so make sure that Google API key gets used only once.

    Best regards,


    The Google Maps element is used only .once in the page. Where else would i check to see that the API is used only once? Thanks, Mike.


    Hi Andy,

    same problem to me…
    Just generated a new API to ensure that it is not used, but the problem still remains.

    Trying to enter an adress in the avia editor prompts me to enter a valid google maps API Key. The Key is correct…
    Thanks a lot!



    remove any API key you’re using inside your Google Account. Then recreate them and use the new ones inside your Enfold settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    i just created a new google account for the customer and generated the first API ever in that account. It won’t work anyway…
    Do you know what exactly is causing these problems? I did not had any problems in my development area at all? Could YOAST be responsible? This ist my first site with enfold where YOAST is installed… unfortunately deactivating it won’t bring the maps back…

    best regards,


    do you have a third party maps plugin working?
    for detailed map i use Chris Richardsons Map Press Pro. but both are loading there own api on different places.
    Some Event Plugins comes with Event Place and an own loading of google map api.
    so i think first of all try to deactivate all plugins an look if it works.

    on google maps api registration – the inserted urls lost there asterix after the url. ( ** ) after saving.
    on input field you have to input the asterix and after it a spacebar ! this will avoid deleting the asterix.

    Allmost every installation of mine works well – but sometimes i had to input urls which are property prooved from google
    i don’t know why – but sometimes it helps to get it run:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.

    Hi @expectmore,

    Did you try the suggestion posted by @guenni007 and did you have any luck with it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    i did, actually no change.

    I tried to replicate the issue with a new site and achieved it:

    I worked with an installation of wp 4.6 with enfold 3.6.1+child theme (no google api needed), placed some google maps on a page. Everything is fine. After updating to enfold 3.8.4 google maps prompts to generate an api and use it to make google maps work. Generating an API and copying it to the enfold “google service” section brings the error with the api…

    Would it help if you log into the page where the error occurs ?

    Thnaks a lot,
    best regards,

    PS: Just made an update from a site with enfold 3.6+child theme to enfold 3.8.4 without entering a google api…
    It works fine!!!! But vice versa deleting the api from the site i have the problems with won’t bring the maps back…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by expectmore.


    Please update the theme to 3.8.4 and try the API key in private message.

    Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    thanks a lot.
    Where can i find the private message?



    I have upgraded to the latest version, registered for an API key as per the directions, deleted it, re-registered, tried to use restricted and unstricted and still cannot have my map loaded.

    I am also getting the error

    An error occurredX
    It seems that your Google API key is not configured correctly

    The key is probably either restricted to the wrong domain or the domain syntax you entered is wrong.

    Please check your API key here


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Yigit.


    I inserted API key @Vinay created and that worked just fine. Please review your website now

    Best regards,


    That worked perfectly!

    What did you do so that i can replicate in future if needed?



    Following the steps here – should solve the issue :)

    Glad we could help!
    If you have any other questions or issues, please start a new thread. I removed your private content here. Since you are not the creator of this thread, your private content field is visible to creator of this thread as well :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yirgit,

    I was the person who started the thread, but haven’t gotten any help to resolve the issue. Log in credentials are in the initial post up top. Mike.



    sorry about that. We do not recommend hijacking threads for this reason :)
    Can we de-activate all active plugins for testing purposes?

    Best regards,


    No problem–I was hoping there might have been an answer that would help me :-). I went ahead and deactivated all plugins.



    I noticed that you are currently using an older version of the theme. Can you please try updating to the latest version 3.8.4 – If you have made any changes on parent theme and have not moved those to your child theme, they will be overwritten.
    Also, have you made any changes on theme files regarding API key?

    Best regards,


    I made the update to the theme. There were no changes to the Theme files. I “refetched” the address coordinates and saved the page again. Still no map display on the page :-(.


    Hi Yigit,

    i made everything exactly as described in your tutorial, with one difference ragrding the wording of google API console:
    In your how-to you screenshot shows “Browser API Key”, in my console will be displayed “Google Maps Jacascript API”.

    no change, there is still the error message an no map displayed in frontend :-(
    With or without restriction is absolutely no difference.

    best regards,



    Hope you are using the latest version of the theme but if it’s not working for you due to a plugin conflict please remove the API key from the theme options and install this plugin Go to the plugin options and enter the API key in private message it should work fine for you :)

    Best regards,

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