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  • #991500

    I am a newbie in WordPress, even if I am already working for a long time with html, css and php. There is one thing which is not clear for me and I hope you can help me. When I have a part of a website (for example an special offer) which is repeated on several pages, I would normaly make an “include” so when the customer (in a CMS) is changing this part it is chenged everywhere. I am wondering, this should be possible with WordPress too? But where can I find something?
    Thank you for your help


    Hey weblinedesign,

    You might want to build a widget or a plugin and then set it to display on the pages.

    Or use shortcodes.


    You can use normal include, you just need to add the include in the right template file.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Victoria.

    Thank you for your answer. Maybe my question was not clear, I was looking for something, what the user can change easy.
    Regards Barbara


    You could use the “Page Content” element (can be found in the Content Elements tab) to add the content of any entry to other entries. The user could then change the content of this entry and all other pages/entries will display the changed content immediately. However note this element has limitations and you can’t combine all elements (i.e. fullwidth elements might not work with columns, etc.).

    Best regards,


    Thank you thats great, that was I was looking for and helped me a lot.
    Best regards



    Glad we could help you :)

    Best regards,

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