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  • #1302458

    Recently we made changes to the home page however, now all of the sudden some of the sections are not displaying. I have tried disabling plugins and updating theme versions etc. as well as contacted my host, WP Engine, and we cannot resolve it. The sections are still there on the backend, but not on the frontend—it seems to be a bug of some sort. I have also since tried to edit this page: and the same thing happened when I previewed the changes—some of the sections stopped displaying—so I didn’t save it.



    Thanks for contacting us!

    I checked your page and it seems like you have hid certain sections on desktop. I attached a screenshot in private content field below.
    Please edit the sections that do not show up and make sure that they are not hidden on desktop by going to Advanced > Responsive field :)

    Best regards,


    There are a few sections meant to be hidden, but there are several that are not selected to be hidden and they are not displaying. They are the sections with headings that read: Your Retreat Leader, Testimonials, and Inquiries or Questions. See below screenshots for what is not displaying and should be:


    I’ve done some more troubleshooting–and it appears if you simply have one section that is hidden on desktop or mobile etc., and then you try to make changes to that page, all of the sudden many of the sections appear hidden, even those intended not to be.

    On the home page I sent you, I deleted the one hidden section and that resolved it, the sections are displaying again. But in some cases, I need to have some hidden sections to adjust the styling for mobile or desktop differently, so there is a bug that is causing other sections to be hidden.

    For example, view this page from the frontend: and you’ll see there are more than 6 sections displaying. Now, go in and make an edit of any kind (eg: edit some text), then click preview and most of the sections are no longer displaying though they should.



    Thanks for the update, I see the same problem on my end as well. I suspect that it’s happening because of markup in your content, but I’m not sure which markup exactly. Could you enable debug mode, so that we can copy the content of the page to a test page please? We can do it for you if you give us permission to do so.

    Best regards,


    You have my permission to enable debug mode to test the page, thank you.



    Thanks for the update. I’ve enabled debug mode on your installation, and created a test page, please see private. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not though, since the second Grid Row section with payment information, just above the two full width pictures, is set to not display on desktop screens in the element options. Maybe that is the problem you are seeing on your end as well? You can simply uncheck the checkbox under the Advanced tab in the element option, in order to show it again.

    Best regards,


    There is indeed a problem; if you take a look at my page –only one section is supposed to be hidden. But several are not displaying anymore (I saw them on the backend before, but now they aren’t displaying at all–perhaps because of your debug mode? I see a bunch of short codes now). There is supposed to be a testimonial section and a banner image section about Colorado. If you try to make a change to this page, then the two side-by-side images don’t display anymore either. There is a major issue occurring here.



    I am sorry for the late reply!

    Content disappears when there is broken HTML on the page. I checked the test page and found one unclosed Strong tag and closed it. Currently there are 5 sections on the page and 2 are hidden on desktop. Testimonial section is missing on test page though. Have you saved it as template as well or is there any other page with the same section where we can copy it?



    I added a few saved sections to your test and I do seem them displaying! How did you discover where there was an unclosed tag? And can you remove it from my page:



    I searched for Strong tags on your payment page however I could not find any. I did not want to copy without checking with you first but would copying the content of the test page into payment page would help? If it would, please copy the shortcodes from the link I shared in private content field below, edit your Payment page, remove all elements and insert copied shortcode into debug field and update the page.
    If you would like us to do it, please let us know :)

    Best regards,


    Yes, if you could do it that would be great. Thank you!


    Hi Sarah,

    I have just updated your Payments page. Please review it and let us know if you need further assistance :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you!



    You are welcome! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –

    If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    Best regards,

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