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  • #25805


    LOVE the theme !! but still have some questions :

    1) Is there a way to get the custom.css to the backend of WP ? or do I have to make all edits via FTP ?

    2) Breadcrumb navi : I need to change “You are here : Home” ? Where is it ?

    3) Where can I make the main categories font siz a bit bigger ?

    4) Testimonials: if I don’t fill in a link I get still the beginning of “http://” how can I get rid of this ?

    4) Where to remove the backlink “Enfold Theme by Kriesi”

    Thanks in advance,




    1) You can add css via Quick CSS located in Enfold > (Theme Options) > Layout Styling … its a text box at the bottom of the page. Just paste your css in there and save.

    2) Its on line 186 of /framework/php/class-bradcrumb.php

    3) Please show a screen shot of the page where the main categories are locate on. They are in multiple places in various font sizes.

    4) Just delete the http:// when you submit the page. Though I think that functionality depends on there being a link. Since the field is Website Name and Website URL , so if you leave Website URL empty, there won’t be a website name.

    4) You can set line 83 of footer.php to read

    $kriesi_at_backlink =	"";



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