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  • #520794

    Hey, i added a header widget. It seems how I want, but a link dosent work, I dont understand why. I added this code on widget (text-7)

    <a href=""><img class="bloglogo" src="" alt="blog-logo" width="170" height="70" /></a>
    <a href=""><img class="bloglogo2" src="" alt="9001_ger_tc_p" width="85" height="35" /></a>
    #header #text-7 {
        left: 131.4%;
    .header-scrolled#header #text-7 {
        left: 110.5%;
        width: 50%;
    .header-scrolled .bloglogo2, .bloglogo { display: block; }
    .header-scrolled .bloglogo, .bloglogo2 { display: none; }

    Hey combra!

    Add this to your custom CSS.

    #header .widget { z-index: 9999 !important; }



    Yep, that worked. Thanks again.


    Ahh, now i cant klick on my cart, can u check this? :P


    I sse, same way like before:

    ul.cart_dropdown { z-index: 9999 !important; }

    Solved :)



    Great, glad you got it fixed :-)


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