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  • #792519

    Hi Enfold-Forum,
    In the fullscreen slider you have to decide either link to the picture or a button both do not go.
    Here is a small JS snippet as a solution for the problem in the fullscreen slider if you want to link both a button and the image. The JS Snippet takes the link from the button;)
    Just copy the JS Snippet into the functions.php. Perhaps someone can still use it

    add_action('wp_footer', 'nxh_fss_btn_link_on_img');
    function nxh_fss_btn_link_on_img(){
      echo '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($){$(".avia-slideshow-inner").click(function() { location.href=$("."+$(this).find(".active-slide").attr("class").split(" ")[0]).find(".avia-slideshow-button").attr("href");});});</script>';

    Hey Jörg,

    Thank you for your input! We will keep this in mind for future users who encounter this issue.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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