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  • #396051

    1. I use a color section with a background image but its not responsive. No scaling. (link 1. Top background image) How do i make it responsive?
    Or what is the alternative for a full width responsive image on the background?


    Hey Dutchman!

    How do you want your background image to look like? Try with this code:

    .main_color {
    background-position: top !important;

    Please open different tickets for different issues, so other users can find easier when they search for their problem in the forum and other moderators can work on your issues as well, so you will get a faster reply.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andy.

    Thanks Andy!


    Hey Dutchman!

    Did Andys code work out for you?



    Hi Rikard! Yes. I have a div container on top of the color section, a box with text and this code is an improvement of the bg image scaling.

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