When I press share on any social icon on a post or page link displayed to share is the page number even if I’m using a different permalink structure why?
I mean share URL of http://www.geekrise.com/test2/ should be http://www.geekrise.com/test2/ and not http://www.geekrise.com/?p=17
That’s intended and only happens with the Twitter button, if you want to change it look for this line in /includes/helper-social-media.php:
'twitter' => array("encode"=>true, "encode_urls"=>false, "pattern" => "http://twitter.com/home?status=[title]%20[shortlink]"),
Replace it by:
'twitter' => array("encode"=>true, "encode_urls"=>false, "pattern" => "http://twitter.com/home?status=[title]%20[permalink]"),
Best regards,