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  • #1432169

    Hello, I’m having trouble getting the social media icons to show on my site Can anyone help with this, please?


    can you test in your quick css:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
      .responsive #top #header .main_menu .social_bookmarks {
        z-index: 5;
        line-height: 90px;
        margin-left: -40px
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
      .responsive.av-burger-overlay-active #top #wrap_all #header .social_bookmarks, 
      .responsive.av-burger-overlay-active #top #wrap_all #main .av-logo-container .social_bookmarks {
        display:  block;
      .responsive #top #header .main_menu .social_bookmarks {
        z-index: 5;
        line-height: 90px;
        margin-left: 20px;

    but i guess you had to think about a different position for those social bookmarks – maybe the header_meta is a good place for it. Because on screens smaller than 1400px your main menu overlaps your logo and the social bookmarks nav floats into a second line.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Guenni007.

    Hi @TonyTha1AndOnly,

    Did you try the suggestion posted by @guenni007? If that didn’t help with your problem, then please try to explain what you are looking to achieve a bit further.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for getting back to me!

    This did make the icons show up on mobile for me. Is there any way to further style these now? I’d prefer them to be displayed underneath the menu items and I’d like the icons to be a little larger. They’re quite small now.

    Thank you again, @Guenni007!


    put this to your child-theme functions.php:

    function ava_custom_script_mod_social(){
      $('#header').one('click', '.av-main-nav-wrap', function() {
          var isMobile  = $('.av-burger-menu-main').css('display'),
          isHeading = "Social Bookmarks",
          social    = $('#header_main .social_bookmarks').clone(true).addClass('sub-menu'),
          mobileMenu  = $('.av-burger-overlay');
          mobileMenu.find('#av-burger-menu-ul').append('<li class="only-burger menu-item-social av-active-burger-items"><a itemprop="url" alt="Social Bookmarks" style="" href="#"><span class="avia-bullet"></span><span class="avia-menu-text">'+isHeading+'</span><span class="avia-menu-fx"><span class="avia-arrow-wrap"><span class="avia-arrow"></span></span></span></a></li>');
          if( social.length ){
        var htmlString   = $('#socket .social_bookmarks').clone().find('li a'),
        socialString = [];
        htmlString.each(function() {
          var socialClass = $(this).parent('li').attr('class'),
          socialItems = $(this).wrap('<li class="'+ socialClass + ' menu-item menu-item-avia-special menu-social"></li>').parent().unwrap();
        var socials = socialString.reverse();
        $(socials).each(function() {
        $('#avia-menu .menu-social').css('float', 'right'); 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod_social');

    if you do not like to have a heading on those bookmarks
    replace that one line in the snippet above:

    isHeading = " ",

    then this to your quick css:

    #av-burger-menu-ul .menu-item-social > a {
      pointer-events: none;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
    #av-burger-menu-ul .menu-item-social a .avia-menu-text {
      font-style: italic;
    .html_av-overlay-side-classic #top .av-burger-overlay a {
      border: none !important
    .responsive #top #av-burger-menu-ul .social_bookmarks.sub-menu {
      margin-left: 30px;
      overflow: visible;
      float: left !important;
      display: block !important;
      height: auto
    #av-burger-menu-ul .social_bookmarks.sub-menu li {
      display: block;
      margin: 3px 15px;
      float: left;
    #av-burger-menu-ul .social_bookmarks.sub-menu li a {
      padding: 10px !important;
      display: table-cell !important;
      float: none !important;
      border-radius: 0 !important;
    #av-burger-menu-ul .social_bookmarks.sub-menu li a:before {
      position: relative;
      font-size: 1.8em;
      top: 2px !important;
    #top #wrap_all #av-burger-menu-ul .av-social-link-facebook a { padding: 10px 13px !important;}
    #top #wrap_all #av-burger-menu-ul .av-social-link-facebook:hover  a{color:#fff; background-color:#37589b!important; }
    #top #wrap_all #av-burger-menu-ul .av-social-link-instagram:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#a67658!important; }
    #top #wrap_all #av-burger-menu-ul .av-social-link-youtube:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#a72b1d!important; }

    if you do not want to have the burger nav horizontally centered :

    #top #av-burger-menu-ul {
      vertical-align: top !important;
      padding-top: 150px !important;

    result should be:


    Thank you for this. When I went to paste the code you provided into my functions.php, I realized I do not have one in my child theme. Here is what I tried:

    -Creating a new blank file in my child theme folder called functions.php, pasting in the code you gave me and saving.
    -Copying my functions.php file from Enfold into child theme folder, pasting the code you gave me and saving.

    Both options break the site and return the following error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'config-wpml/config.php' (include_path='.::/home/dh_aebmdw/')
    in /home/dh_aebmdw/ on line 95
    Call stack:


    Thank you for the update.

    You should not copy the entire functions.php file from the parent theme. Only copy the script that @Guenni007 provided above. Please try again, and make sure that you copy the code directly from this forum. Also, make sure that at the start of the functions.php file, you have this opening tag:


    The complete functions.php file would be:

    function ava_custom_script_mod_social(){
      $('#header').one('click', '.av-main-nav-wrap', function() {
          var isMobile  = $('.av-burger-menu-main').css('display'),
          isHeading = "Social Bookmarks",
          social    = $('#header_main .social_bookmarks').clone(true).addClass('sub-menu'),
          mobileMenu  = $('.av-burger-overlay');
          mobileMenu.find('#av-burger-menu-ul').append('<li class="only-burger menu-item-social av-active-burger-items"><a itemprop="url" alt="Social Bookmarks" style="" href="#"><span class="avia-bullet"></span><span class="avia-menu-text">'+isHeading+'</span><span class="avia-menu-fx"><span class="avia-arrow-wrap"><span class="avia-arrow"></span></span></span></a></li>');
          if( social.length ){
        var htmlString   = $('#socket .social_bookmarks').clone().find('li a'),
        socialString = [];
        htmlString.each(function() {
          var socialClass = $(this).parent('li').attr('class'),
          socialItems = $(this).wrap('<li class="'+ socialClass + ' menu-item menu-item-avia-special menu-social"></li>').parent().unwrap();
        var socials = socialString.reverse();
        $(socials).each(function() {
        $('#avia-menu .menu-social').css('float', 'right'); 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod_social');

    Best regards,


    Many of the suggested changes to the theme here on the board – are a lot easier to realize if you set up a child theme. That’s why I strongly recommend doing this.
    However, there are probably also good plugins that can insert code snippets like the one above without a child theme.


    Thank you so much, @guenni007 and @Ismael! That got it working perfectly for me!


    hm – but i do not see it on your site?

    by the way – if you had choosen to load jQuery in your footer – it might be necessary to set for the snippet a priority. Because it has to be loaded after jQuery has been loaded.

    in this case the last line should look like this:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod_social', 999);

    this error log is typical to a function that needs jQuery but is running before jQuery is loaded:
    (click to see)


    @Guenni07, this is weird! I saw them when I posted this but now they are gone. Quick CSS code is there, so is the functions.php file.



    The social icons inside the burger menu overlay are now visible on our end. Did you figure out the issue?

    Best regards,


    i think that the priority was missing – the error: jQuery is not defined is shown. This is a very clear indication that jQuery was loading after this snippet – and therefore the basis for it was missing.

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