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  • #470343


    I’m hoping to accomplish to things, and I’ve been unsuccessful searching the forum(s).

    One… change the “resting” color of the social media icons, while maintaining their native “hover” color (white w/ respective background color). I’d like to do this one-by-one, but I’m not opposed to an all-encompassing CSS code solution.

    Two… change the highlight and text color(s) on the main menu and dropdowns, so the respective page’s title (and arrow for submenus) change to white while the background / highlight changes to red (or whatever color). See Dataprise’s website menus for an example:

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.


    Hi anthonyv9!

    Social media: we can help you out with custom CSS for the icons but we need to inspect the page, could you link to it please?

    Menu items: you can change most of the look for both main menu and sub menu items under Enfold–>Advanced Styling. If you should need anything more than that then please let us know and we’ll have a closer look.



    Rikard, hello.

    I’ve attached a link for our site below… in the PC section.

    If you can help me out with the CSS for the social media icons, that’d be great. I’ll tinker with the Advanced Styling for the menus.

    Thank you.



    You can target every social media icon with the following code:

    #top #wrap_all .av-social-link-mail:hover a:hover {
    background: #yourcolor;

    by changing mail with twitter,facebook etc.

    Let us know if you need anything else from us!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Basilis. Reason: added code tags

    Problem(s) solved for both issues… Advanced Styling had all the answers.

    Thank you…!!!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by anthonyv9.


    Great, glad you got it fixed :)


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