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  • #590044

    Please see In the mobile navigation hamburger menu there are no longer any social icons. Where did they go?



    If i remember correctly, i did this on your child theme, make sure the code is there (in functions.php and QuickCSS/style.css).

    Best regards,


    So I got crazy busy and this got totally buried in my email. I just checked and yes, all that code is in the right places. Still not working.



    Can you please create me a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.



    here you go



    I tried to troubleshoot this issue but the login credentials you provided do not work for me. Would you mind checking once again and then send us working login credentials?

    The user role for the account you send us should be set to ‘administrator’ so we can try to disable all plugins and add custom code (if necessary) to resolve the issue.

    Best regards,


    Every single time you’ve asked I’ve gone in and generated a new password and then saved the user profile. I’ve never had trouble in the past doing this with other admins. Maybe pass this off to someone else? Here’s a last attempt. I tested it and it works…



    Thank you for the info, I’m able to login now. I was working on your site and a 500 internal server error occured. Can you please provide us a temporary FTP access (via private data field)?

    Best regards,


    I don’t know how to do that. Please try again. A 500 error shouldn’t be permanent. Probably a temporary problem.


    I see now that you totally crashed my site. Please give me instructions asap to give ftp access to fix this immediately. My site needs to be up.



    Please login to the hosting control panel and create a ftp user and post it here in private.

    Best regards,


    Here you go. I set it up so it should take you right into my root of WordPress when you login. My domain is a subdomain so I tried to save you the navigation.



    The ftp user may be wrong i’m not able to login using these credentials. if you are able to login to FTP or the file manager in hosting control panel remove the last block of code from functions.php that starts with “function attach_social_icons_to_mobile_menu()” or please re-create the FTP account and provide us with working credentials.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Vinay.

    I successfully edited the functions.php file in FTP. Site is back up. Try not to break it again ok? ;)



    I tried the code on my installation before adding it to your site and it worked great! but very sorry that the same code din’t work and broke the site it was totally unexpected. I have modified the earlier version and everything is good now please review the site.

    below functions was added to child themes functions.php

    function mobile_menu_social_icons(){
    // Add your jQuery script here
      var htmlString = jQuery('#header .social_bookmarks').html();
    <ul class="noLightbox social_bookmarks">' + htmlString + '</ul>
    add_action('wp_head', 'mobile_menu_social_icons');

    Below css was added to child theme styles

    /* Mobile menu social icons */
    #mobile-advanced [data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello']:before {
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';
    #top .social_bookmarks li a:before, #mobile-advanced .social_bookmarks li a:before {
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
        font-weight: normal;
        content: attr(data-av_icon);
        speak: none;
    #mobile-advanced ul.social_bookmarks li, #mobile-advanced ul.social_bookmarks li a{
    #mobile-advanced .social_bookmarks li a:before {
        color: #666;
        font-size: 30px!important;
    #mobile-advanced .social_bookmarks li > a:before {
       font-size: 20px;
    #mobile-advanced li > a:before, .html_header_mobile_behavior #mobile-advanced span > a:before, #mobile-advanced .mega_menu_title:before { display: none !important; }

    Best regards,


    Ok. However, they still aren’t there or looking correct. Go to my site in a desktop browser, resize the window and check. I’ve tried in both Chrome and Safari.



    The site looks good on my end please check attached screenshots. You may not see the changes until the cached files are cleared in your browser.

    Please try to hard refresh by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F5 on your browser or press the F12 key to open chrome dev tools and right click on the refresh button and select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload” and review the site again.

    Best regards,


    I cleared cache on Safari and all looks good. Thanks!

    I have another issue I’ve been waiting 3 days for a response on. Any way you can check it?



    Glad this is working for you now! We will close this ticket and respond to you on the other ticket. Please note some issues may require research before provide you a viable solution hence it may take some time to respond. Thank you for your kind co-operation and patience :)

    Best regards,

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