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  • #178354


    how can I insert Icons from Iconlist with just a hovereffect (like the social Icon on top of enfold), an alternate text and a href into a textwidget?

    Iconlist don´t work for me, because it uses Textareas that I don´t needed.

    At the end I need a result like this to insert it into a sidebar-element but just with the nice enfold-Icons:


    The first grey item is hovered..



    Hi Bruno!

    You can use the Font Icon shortcode then enclose it on an anchor tag. Insert it using the shortcode wand.



    Hi Ismael!

    Please can you give me a short example?

    How can I use the Shortcode?

    What means Shortcode Wand?

    Where can I read which Shortcodes are usable with Enfold?

    Thanks and regards


    Hi Bruno!

    Here you go. Facebook icon goes to Google when click opens in new window and in default color.
    [av_font_icon color="" font="entypo-fontello" icon="ue8f3" size="40px" position="left" link="manually,http://www.google.com" linktarget="_blank"]

    You can simply switch to Default Editor then add and copy shortcodes http://i.imgur.com/XseeK9n.jpg


    Hi Yigit,

    now I understand what Ismael meant… Used the way you showed here for some widgets before… But I never looked behind Font Icon… Sometimes it is heavy to see the forest, because there are to much trees… :) Thanks a lot!
    The more I understand this awesome theme, the more I loved it! Very good job!!

    The only question that is still open, is no. 2…

    1. How can I add a class? -> resolve : custom_class=’Facebook-Icon’
    2. How can I add a alternate text (showing on hover)??
    3. How can I change the background on hover? -> resolve .(class):hover {color: #xxxxxx})
    4. Any chance to change the color of the font? -> resolve : There is no font. The color you see, is the color from the background behind the icon… :)

    Thanks a lot,

    Best regards,



    Edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > icon.php. Replace everything in it with this code: http://pastebin.com/f8p2hKAz

    You can now place a title or alt text on Font Icon with link. The hover will not show up unless you place set a link.

    Best regards,

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